

Alcohol Screening video example  



“During the last 12 months, how often did you drink five (men)/ four (women) standard drinks in a single day?”

Click here for information on standard drinks (clicking would show the image of the standard drinks, seen below or similar image)

For a pregnant woman, ask about the months before pregnancy.

Ask about beer and wine specifically.

Ask if the beer is:

  • 12 ounces
  • 16 ounces (a pint)
  • 22 ounces (a “double deuce”)
  • 32 ounces (a quart)
  • 40 ounces (“a 40”)

Ask if the pint/quart/fifth/etc. is wine or liquor (vodka, gin, rum, whiskey, cognac, brandy).

Ask how many ounces or how big “a drink” is (can have them gesture with hands).

Standard Drink Sizes