Motivational Communication Skills
Open-ended questions are a helpful tool to gather new information. This example shows an open ended question that also uses a double-sided reflection, which is a reflection that considers both sides of a caregivers ambivalence.
Open-ended questions are a helpful tool to gather new information. This example shows an open ended question that also uses an affirmation to encourage a caregiver and show emotional support.
Double sided reflections reflect both the change and sustain talk in a statement. In this example the home visitor uses a double sided reflection when discussing a caregivers overwhelming family expectations.
This is an emotional focus reflection, which addresses the emotion of a statement. In this example, the home visitor reflects the a caregivers conflicting emotions regarding her mothers role as another caretaker in the family.
In this example, a home visitor reflects a caregivers sustain and change talk regarding her ambivalence to seeking mental health counseling.
An emotion focused reflection reflects the emotion in a statement.
This video shows an example of a double-sided reflection, which is a reflection that considers both the change and sustain talk in a statement.